
Change the Mindset: Celebrating Self-Care, Not Self-Destruction

Here in the USA, we are known for our culture of “workaholics,” productivity, not taking breaks, piling on social commitments, eating meals at our desks and in our cars, and simply never taking the time to slow down. We celebrate it… but maybe we
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Normalizing Movement in the Workplace

Just imagine it. An office full of cubicles and everyone, in their seats, typing away at their computers. Then one person stands, raises their hands above their heads and reaches to the sky. Another person stands and chooses to reach for their toes. Another
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Keys to Movement Breaks

We all know that sitting all day can be rough on our bodies, and that we should get up and move around during our work days. But, oftentimes we don’t actually know how to add them into our already packed schedules, or how to make them both efficient and
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Building Your At-Home or On-the-Road Tool Kit: Topicals

Whether you’re at home or on the road, life happens. OTC medications and topical products may not fully address the root issue, but they can be useful in helping bridge the gap between the onset of pain or discomfort and the next time you can get in for
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Workplace Ergonomics – Desk Work

There is a lot of information online about how to make your workspace function better to support your body. Almost everyone becomes an expert in what is the perfect posture…but why does it matter? Keep reading to get some context for some of those
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Teamwork Makes Our Care Work

It may be a little cheesy, but it’s totally true. When we say that we work as a team, we mean it. Our teamwork goes beyond the tag-team concept in our chiropractic room where our unique approach creates an environment for optimal collaboration between our
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